Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

1 Corinthians 13:4


Bella had another "episode" yesterday. She gets a really bad headache and stomach ache. She always seems to throw up and then becomes really pale and lethargic. We believe she may be having either a regular migraine or an abdominal migraine. They have a lot of the same symptoms, but it's possible. She had one in August and one yesterday. I am keeping a log of what happens, when it happens, what she ate, what may have changed to try and find a trigger or at least show a pattern of her having these. Her pediatrician said that's what it truly sounds like but they are really hard to diagnose and there is really no treatment if she is having them infrequently.
I think this may have been what happened to her in April, but it was probably her first and she was so disoriented, and we didn't know what was happening to her. It starts in the morning and she has it all day long. I can get her to sleep which is the best thing for her and the next day she is fine. We don't know anyone who has a history of migraines in the family so I am not really sure where it comes from.

Port Removal

Kurt gets his port removed tomorrow. YAY! Seems like the final step in all of this. He goes in at 6:40am and his surgery scheduled for 8am. Should be ready to come home by 10 or 11am. His only restrictions are he's not able to lift heavy things for a couple of days.

Bella doing excellent in school. She took her first AR test yesterday and got 100% and has her first spelling test on Friday. Seems like such Big Kid stuff. She's loving her ballet/jazz class. She's doing a performance at the fair on Sunday, October 3. They are dancing to "Baby" by Justin Bieber. So cute!!!

Carter is a wild man as usual. LOL He's doing wonderful on the potty. He's started going #2 which is awesome. He spends all day in underwear and will either tell you he has to go or just go by himself. I always know when he's went by himself, because he comes out naked. He's so funny!!

I hosted my first Mother's Meeting today, which was fun. I haven't been able to go to the last two, because of appointments, so I was glad to have some adult time with some other mothers today.

Physical Therapy

Well I went to Dr. Gibson today. He doesn't think it's a torn meniscus, but he can hear that it is crunchy in there. He was going to put me on an anti-inflammatory medicine, but Dr. Alverson had put me on the prednisone and he said that is really strong. So, I have to go to physical therapy twice a week for 3 weeks, then I have a follow-up visit with him. It's going to be a pain in the butt. I have my first appointment Wednesday.

Kurt is having his port removed on the 23rd. He was going to wait until around Christmas time, but he has lost so much weight that it is protruding from under his skin and looks like it has moved a little. Plus, it gets itchy and he is supposed to have it flushed every 6 weeks, so that will be one less thing to worry about.

Carter has a follow-up visit with his ENT on Wednesday too. He wanted to see him back 6 weeks after his tonsils/adenoids came out. It's just a routine visit, but will take up much of the day as we have to go all the way to Dublin.

Keep Ethel Rose in your thoughts on Tuesday, as she will be having surgery.


Bella doing really well at school. She's really liking it and hasn't had any problems. I think her favorite class right now is music. She really wants to play the violin, so music lessons may be in her future! She also started her ballet/jazz class tonight. We decided not to have tap lessons. She loves to dance, so jazz seemed like her thing. They are learning a routine to Justin Bieber's "Baby" to perform at the fair this year.

Carter started potty training. I feel like we are getting a late start with him, but I didn't want to start and stop wile Kurt was going through treatment, so I just decided to wait. He will wear underwear all day and be completely fine. He hasn't went #2 in potty yet, so I worry about him getting backed up, but I'm sure it will happen when it happens.

Kurt starting 3-11, so we will be having our first week without him here in the evenings. He's still getting his strength back and learning what he can eat and what he can't. He's loving eggs this week, which has to be good for him!

I'm happy everyone doing so well. My knee not bothering me as much. Not sure if anything healing (it feels pretty funky) but maybe steroids helping with some of pain and swelling. I'll take what I can get. Carter always wanting someone to chase him, so I'm not exactly relaxing!!


I went to my PCP Thursday. I may have a torn meniscus, which is the cartilage in your knee. She sent me to get an x-ray at CCMH and I have an appointment with an orthopaedic doctor on September 13th. She gave me a steroid to be on for the next 9 days to see if it would help, but she didn't seem really optimistic especially when I told her it had made a popping sound. I think the next step if it doesn't heal on its own will be an MRI, then if it's a bad enough tear I may have to have surgery. Everyone else is on the mend (Kurt's back to work and getting stronger everyday, Carter's done with all his surgeries, and Bella is rested, happy, and enjoying school), so I figure it's my time to be a sickie!!! LOL

We went to a cookout tonight and had a great time. Some moms from Lincoln get together and have breakfast and one of the moms invited all of us out for a cookout. It was so nice. Bella was able to play with the girls from her school and I think it has been helpful for Carter who is getting to play with some other kids too! So far, it has been a really good school year. Bella doing wonderful and I'm getting out and meeting new people, so it's a positive for both of us.