Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

1 Corinthians 13:4

Tonsils & Adenoids

Yesterday, I took Carter to see his ENT in Cols. for a follow-up from his thyroglossal duct cyst removal. Dr. Elmaraghy said he looks great, the incision looks great. His rate of reoccurence has dropped majorly, since we made it through these first 6 weeks! Very good news. I also asked him about Carter's tonsils and adenoids. You can hear him breathing all the time, he snores, mouth always open. Dr. said he remembers seeing Carter's scan and that his adenoids were big. SO....he is scheduled for adenotonsillectomy on July 22nd.

Also, I asked him about Bella. I have been thinking it was her tonsils and adenoids from the beginning. Her pediatrician said her tonsils were enlarged, but she wanted a sleep study. So we went along with it. The melatonin makes her fall asleep fast at night, but it is not improving her quality of sleep. I don't think we are getting anywhere that way. I told Dr. Elmaraghy about her sleep study, that it does not show apnea but a decrease in oxygen called hypopnea, her snoring, mouth open, restless sleep, lack of quality sleep. SO.... she is also tentatively scheduled on July 22nd for adenotonsillectomy. She has an appt. with Dr. on July 10th and he will determine if she needs surgery. He said it's easier to take her off surgery rotation then to put her on. If she needs surgery, they will be done same day, back-to-back and put on same floor.

I do hope they both get surgery and they both start to breathe and sleep better. I'm hopeful from all my research that this could really help Bella. We are also still scheduled for an EEG on June 17th in Akron. If that comes back all clear, we should be good to go.

It seems like a lot, but I'm also hoping that getting them done together will take some stress off Kurt and I. They can heal together and its one night in the hospital for us, rather than splitting it into two different days. Never a dull moment around here!!!


The McCormicks Thu Jun 10, 07:28:00 PM PDT  


emstitt Fri Jun 11, 06:40:00 PM PDT  

I think you should move it a week earlier to when Julia is having hers done!! That way we can make a popsicle & ice cream party out of it! But I'm glad I just have one recovering!!

Anonymous Sat Jun 12, 06:38:00 AM PDT  

Hopefully this will do the trick for both kids. Getting it done on the same day is a wise choice. By that time Kurt should be all done with his treatments and CANCER FREE!!
Aunt B

Anonymous Sun Jun 13, 10:03:00 PM PDT  

gezz nerver a dull moment is rt lol

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