Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

1 Corinthians 13:4

Chemo Day #2

Well, we survived the second chemo day. His levels were up enough that he was able to go ahead with treatment. If his levels had been where they were last week, they said they would have sent us home. They don't want you too weak to get it, because its important to keep on the schedule as much as possible. As much as this drug kills the cancer, it also wipes out your immune system and attacks your white blood cells. There isn't anything we can do to boost his white blood cell count, but they may have to give him some sort of shot if his levels fall too far.

They did give him Kytril drip, and that really helped. We were also told by a nurse to keep hydrated or that could make him feel really sick. The amazing thing about this chemo drug is that it really saps all the liquid out of your body. Last time Kurt came home, went right to bed, and slept a long time. By the time he got up, he was already getting dehydrated and nauseous from not having the right anti-nausea medicine. This time we had a plan. He came home, drank an ensure, napped for about an hour and a half, then got up and started drinking. He feels a little queasy, but nothing like the first time around. We are making sure he stays full of fluids right from the beginning. We learn as we go! He also asked for some noodles, which is amazing, because he didn't eat for four days last time. This is going much smoother so far - and I hope it continues. He will get another round of radiation, I.V. fluids, and a Kytril drip tomorrow. Will post any new developments!


The McCormicks Tue Jun 08, 07:24:00 AM PDT  

That is awesome! I hope it last all week and he gets back to feeling better by the weekend and you make it through week 5 with a bang! Love you guys!

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