Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

1 Corinthians 13:4

Kytril, Graduation, and a Birthday!

Kurt has went to radiation all week long. His radiation dr. said that they can see where things are starting to happen. His mouth is really red and getting dry. He told me today he is getting sores. Not good. His chemo dr. however had some good news. They changed his first anti-nausea medicine from Zofran to Kytril. Now the dr. said he shouldn't get as sick, because she is also ordering Kurt to have a Kytril drip every time he has hydration. She said she heard how bad last time was and it shouldn't be like that. I hope he doesn't get sick and that the drip helps.

Bella officially graduated from kindergarten today. She's a big kid now and already talking about first grade. She doesn't really get how long summer break is and that she won't go back for 3 months. The melatonin seems to be helping. She's not grumpy and lethargic in the evenings and has actually been sleeping in. To us, that's a miracle.

Carter turns 3 tomorrow. Time has flown by. Seems like just yesterday he was a baby. He thinks he is a big boy too. He is having a Mickey Mouse birthday party. I'm glad we decided to have it and Kurt is feeling well enough to be there. From the beginning, Kurt said he wanted things to be as normal as possible for them. I will post some pictures of Carter's big day when I can.


The McCormicks Thu May 27, 05:34:00 PM PDT  

Happy Birthday Carter Man! We love you! I hope and pray that chemo goes better this time! As for Bella....let me get some of that melatonin so my kids sleep in! Seriously though..glad to hear it seems to be helping!

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