Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

1 Corinthians 13:4

Day One

Kurt had his first radiation treatment today. This is a picture he took of his radiation room. He drove himself down and back from Zanesville. He feels fine so far. He said the machine really makes a noise when it's giving the radiation. He says it's a sound he will never forget. He also talked about how the door to the room is really really thick. It is definitely an experience he will remember. He came home and said "One down, 34 to go." He is such a trooper!!

Carter's bandage finally came off. He has a tiny little line. He still screams, "No, don't touch my boo-boo" but it doesn't hurt him. A little Mederma on his scar line and it should fade away.

My crazy news of the day is that we still haven't heard from a doctor about Bella's sleep study results. We had a nurse send them to us from the neurology department at Akron Children's Hospital. We called Akron Children's and they said our pediatrician should be calling us and they didn't sound too happy that we had the results sent to us (which is too bad, because I would be majorly ticked if I still didn't know what the results were!!). So we called our dr. and left a message. A nurse called us back and said the dr. had signed off on it and the only thing they saw on her CT scan was that she had sinusitis. I double checked that she had read results and the nurse said she didn't see anything wrong with Bella. I thought my husband's head was going to fly off; he was majorly mad. She called back a little while later to double check on her sinuses and Kurt talked with her. He was telling her the words disorder and dysfunction mean there is something wrong. She said "where do you see that?" He read her the results we have and she says, "Oh we can't read what that says on our report." Kurt just about flipped. He asked her how the dr. could sign off on something she can't even read. He ended up taking a copy of our report to the dr. It will probably be another 5 weeks before we hear anything. We just want to hear what a medical person has to say about her sleeping; we have read the results and it doesn't sound good to us. It just doesn't make sense that after 5 weeks, we still haven't heard from anybody about it. As Kurt says, when you get more than one doctor involved, nothing can go smoothly, and he is right!


The McCormicks Tue May 11, 05:20:00 AM PDT  


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