Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

1 Corinthians 13:4

Radiation & Chemotherapy

We just got home from meeting with the doctors in charge of Kurt's treatment. First up, the radiation oncologist, Dr. Kaka. She said it is a good and a bad thing that nothing was found during the PET scan and Kurt's last round of biopsies. It is good, because he doesn't have another large mass, but it is bad for the way she needs to use the radiation. Now Kurt will be receiving radiation over a larger area, because they do not know where to concentrate it. They want to make sure they get all of it. Dr. said he should start to feel the effects around the 10th-12th dose of radiation. He was fitted for his radiation mask, also. He said it was really tight!! Next up was the chemotherapy oncologist, Dr. Srikantiah. She is going to put a port in Kurt, so they don't have to search for veins. He will receive three doses of the chemotherapy drug, Cisplatin. She said he will probably lose his hair and it will make him sick, since it is such a high dose. They will also be watching his blood count, kidney function, and hearing.

So, his treatment schedule will look something like this. WEEK ONE Monday: Radiation (lasts about 30 mins.) then over to chemo where he will receive 2 hrs of I.V. hydration then his chemo for 2 hrs., then 2 hrs of I.V. hydration. Tuesday through Friday: Radiation for 30 mins. then 2 hrs I.V. hydration. WEEK TWO AND THREE Monday: Radiation, then they will check blood count, kidney function Tuesday - Friday: Radiation Then it will start all over again with him getting another dose of chemo on Monday of week four and week seven. Those will be really long days but as with all things, we will get through them. They are tentatively thinking about starting May 10th.

The most important thing at this point will be to keep him eating or they will put in a feeding tube. As treatment progresses, his teeth and gums can become really sore and his throat could swell making it difficult to eat. He should avoid sharp, sugary (like candy), and really spicy foods. There are only so many mashed potatoes, oatmeals, and scrambled eggs a person can eat. So, if you have any good soup or casserole type recipes, please pass them on. Probably be trying out some smoothies and shakes too. I'm open to making him anything as long as I can keep him eating. Thanks for all the love and support!!!


The McCormicks Tue Apr 27, 05:19:00 AM PDT  

I love you guys! This all sounds grueling but you are right, YOU CAN GET THROUGH IT! We are all here to support and love you!

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