Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

1 Corinthians 13:4

First Day of First Grade

Last night we went to Open House to see Bella's room and meet her teacher. She has a couple of girls in her class from last year and everyone was excited to see everybody. I saw a couple of moms from last year which is always nice.

Then this morning it was off to school. I heard her get up and she came downstairs already dressed. I'm glad she was so excited for the first day; plus, she was excited to wear her new dress!! Carter was very sad to see her go. He cried last night but he got excited when the bus came, then when they left he hung his head and said, "I gonna miss Bella." Poor thing!

School Time

Well Bella starts school tomorrow. Hoping for a better year. I know we have better teachers, or so I've been told. Lots of experience and they know how to handle the kids. Major plus! We are going to open house tonight and at 8:30 tomorrow she will be off to school. I cannot believe the kid's summer break is over. June & July were not easy months and August just flew by. Hope everyone has an easy and fun school year.
Kurt started his second week back to work. He worked this past Saturday and had Sunday off. He definitely needed it. He's more worn out then he thought and needed that day to recuperate. My mom kept the kids Sunday and we spent the afternoon going through the shops in Roscoe and had dinner out. It was a nice relaxing afternoon.
Jason McCormick comes home today!!! We are all so happy he's back and hoping they have an easy transition back into normal life. I know the kids are super excited to see their dad. Welcome Home, Jason!

Happy Birthday!


Back to Work

Kurt has been back to work for 3 days now. Things are going well; he has come home and slept for about an hour each day, but it's a big change to suddenly be working after 5 months off. I'm trying to get back into my routine of cleaning and getting the house organized. I think he has a good time just catching up with all the people he works with. I give him a couple of weeks before he's griping about all of it. lol Then things will be back to normal!

Back in the Game

All of Kurt's drs have released him for work. He went to see plant dr yesterday and he is good to go. He will start next week and have some update training. He also went to see his dermatologist this week. He has had a bunch of new moles pop up on his neck. She said they would be considered more like freckles and that they are from the radiation. She didn't see any moles that needed removed so he good to go there too.

Carter is back to his usual self. He never had any blisters in his mouth. The red dots on his hands went away in 2 days and his feet have finally cleared up. It was indeed a very mild case. Hopefully, Bella will escape having it.

Bella has been doing better. She has been sleeping better and seems more rested throughout the day. The last couple of days Carter has went into her room and woke her up at 645am so she has been cranky and mouthy, but I can understand that. He
got into trouble today for doing that!

I'm ready for life to be normal again. Hopefully Kurt does well at work and Bella has an easy transition into first grade. It hasn't exactly been a relaxing summer for any of us!

The Good and the Bad

Kurt went to a follow-up visit with his oncologist in Columbus. He said Kurt looks good, he can see the effects of the radiation in his mouth and throat but it is healing. He didn't see any patches of thrush around his mouth, just on his tongue, so that is starting to clear up too. Dr. told him that every two months he wants to see him and should just be a regular exam. Kurt has had so much radiation from treatments that they do not want to be doing a lot of scans or x-rays. If it would come back, we should notice it in lumps, bumps, and voice changes. He did say that usually the radiation oncologist likes to do a PET scan 12 weeks after radiation. It's more about showing tissue then trying to see the cancer. He also signed Kurt's release back to work, so Dr. seems to think he is definitely recovering!

My bad news: Carter has hand, foot and mouth disease. It is a mild case, as he doesn't have huge blisters and nothing in his mouth. It is contagious, but hopefully since it is a mild case we can avoid Bella and Kurt getting it. Dr. said getting surgery knocks down the immune system, plus he was in the playrooms in the hospital, so hard to tell where he picked it up. There isn't anything they can do for him, it just has to run its course. Poor kid! He's been through a lot in the last couple of months. He really didn't need this.