Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

1 Corinthians 13:4

Guinea Pigs!!

Well Kurt and I decided to get the kids guinea pigs this year for Christmas. I went thinking I was getting two girls and ended up with two boys. The kids named them Theodore (Bella) and Razor (Carter). They were about three weeks old when I brought them home and the kids were ecstatic. Theodore is an Abyssinian which means he has crazy, wacky hair and Razor is a Ridgeback and looks like he has a mohawk down his back. They are lots of fun!

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Christmas 2011

The kids had a wonderful Christmas! Lots of fun, many presents, and lots of family time!!

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Fall Fun 2011

The kids love this time of year. We always paint pumpkins and go to Darr's Pumpkin Patch in Newcomerstown. They love it and it has become tradition. They loved trick-or-treating. This year was the first year they didn't match, but they picked out their own costumes and knew exactly what they wanted to be. Bella was Frankie Stein from Monster High and Carter was a Power Ranger.

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Pink Glasses

Bella went to the eye doctor Tuesday and we found out she has amblyopia. Basically her left eye is full of astigmatism and her eyesight has always been really blurry. Because of this, her brain stopped using her left eye and relied mainly on the right eye to see. She is now wearing glasses, which she loves, because they are pink. Hoping this will help correct the vision in her eye and make her start using that eye again. Here's a picture of Princess Peepers!

Lincoln Flag Relay

Bella was featured on the front page of the Coshocton Tribune on September 10, 2011 for taking part in the flag relay at Lincoln Elementary.

Olivia Bosson, an 11th-grade student from Coshocton who took part in the first flag relay nine years ago, passes the flag to Isabella Knicely, a second-grader at Lincoln Elementary School during the flag relay Friday in remembrance of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. / Paul Robbins/Tribune

School Year 2011-2012

Well this year Bella is in 2nd grade at Lincoln. She has Mrs. Croft and really likes her. Carter is a big boy and has started preschool at Early Advantage Preschool. He goes two hours every day. He wasn't sure he wanted to go by himself but now he loves it and spends most of his morning asking "Is it almost time for school?"

Myrtle Beach

We had such a great time in Myrtle Beach this year. It's been four long years since we took a vacation and we are so glad we did. We spent most of our days at the beach and pool, but we also had a great time out and about. The kids went to Pirate School and we all went to Alligator Adventure at Barefoot Landing. We also went to Ripley's Aquarium where Bella had a mermaid make-over and Carter got to be a sailor. We also rode the speedboat at Broadway at the Beach. As you can see on the last pictures, Bella got bit by something and she has a strong allergic reaction to bites. So it started to swell into her eyes and she had to go to the ER, where they gave her Prednisone and Benadryl. We also spent the week without A/C in the van because it went out two hrs before we got into Myrtle. We decided to have a good time anyways....and we did!!